Kevin Cook

“At our best and most fortunate we make pictures because of what stands in front of the camera, to honor what is greater and more interesting than we are. We never accomplish this perfectly, though in return we are given something perfect - a sense of inclusion. Our subject thus redefines us, and is part of the biography by which we want to be known.” ― Robert Adams, Why People Photograph

Philadelphia, PA

kevincookphoto at gmail

I am incredibly grateful to be a photographer. Photography is a beautiful way to connect with people, understand new things and inform others about the world around us.

I am a proud Philadelphian. I grew up in Mayfair, a working class neighborhood in Northeast Philly. Through my experiences in Philadelphia I’ve become interested in working on long-form fine art documentary photography projects that explore unique communities, underreported neighborhoods and social issues in my hometown.

Additionally, I am passionate about giving back to the next generation of visual artists. I've taught High School and College photography classes. Working with my students is rewarding for both of us.

I have my Master's degree in Photojournalism from the University of Missouri and two Bachelor's from Temple University. I attended the Eddie Adams Workshop, Mountain Workshops and was named a Getty Images Instagram Grant Finalist. I curated the 17-photographer book and show: A Photographic Survey of Philadelphia. In 2021, I was awarded two grants from Art is Essential/The Knight Foundation.